The longest dark is the death from which all life is born.
The fractal cycle of creation and destruction holds transformation at every point, transmuting of energy, endless processes and change as all that is constant.
As we shift through parts of ourselves and find solace in this dark of night - know that we birth all of life and ourselves again once more.
Sitting in this liminal space, which echoes the outer and inner of our worlds, know that we are cared for, that what we can be nourished and build our strength to embark on what we choose to as the days go by. Know that we are held, and that we have such capacity to hold, even if its just ourselves, or extensions of ourselves or people that we love, or the earth or each other right now.
As the blood of the pomegranate marks our changing of place and time, know that it too holds the fertility of our dreams, our actions and indeed the depths of this experience.
This sensorial exploration is a conversation between each other, but more so with ourselves, what does it feel like to drink sound? and what is the way your mouth welcomes crisp fennel that is the air in a bite and how can we feel the food that we eat, because we eat with every part of ourselves even before our hands have made contact with the bread that we break together.